因為學校的信箱不定時就會吃掉out of date信
Gillies Haughton writes:
Hi guys (I still think of you as my guys tho I'm sure you are all
someone elses guys now...)
Anyway I have managed to get occassional access to the web in tne ward in Glasgow.
So You can let me know how things are going with you (not too many moans please....) My
transplant happened on Friday so now i have just to wait and see if it takes -
4 weeks in here and then a couple of months at home. Hope all goes well
with you.I expext several of you are off on the trip round Europe.
Happy Easter to those of you who celebrate it - and to those of you who have
still to celebrate it.
Pei-Yin Tsai writes:
Dear Gillies,
it is soooo nice to hear from you!
I still feel that I am one of your member, as well!
I will be your guy forever!!!
I just came back from Spain one week ago.
It is a very colourful and warm country.
But now I just printed out my Young Learner assignment
and I still got one assissment to finish before I go to Sweden on 18th of Apr.
So After I finish it,
I will tell you more about my Spainish trip!!!
JeeMee is also going to Italy,
Tammy is going back to Taiwan in May for marriage.
Remember she told you that she is now staying here with her boyfriend?
So their parents force them to go back and have a wedding!!
Maybe she will email you by herself!Ha!
I finally persuade Joanna to have a trip to Switzerland with me in June
since she've never gone travelling after she came here!
Maria recently suffers some problems with her back,
so she is going back to Greece and see a doctor.
Hope she will be fine.
I don't know others who are not living in school accommodation.
If I got anyone's information, I will tell you.
Or if you got theirs, please share with me!!!!
Best Wishes
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- Apr 12 Thu 2007 19:52
letter from Gillies