
Now, it is 12.00am on Oct. 8th.
I have worked on the Assignment of Curriculum for a whole Sat.
Didn't go anywhere, just staying in the room, in this building.
But, until now, I still finished ONLY one page.
I really like the view outside my room, but I have no mood to enjoy it.
This is a destiny I have to face.......
I am still wondering if I go the correct direction which the professor wants.
Somehow, I just don't understand.
Those so-called expert must be very excellent, how come I can't understant what they want?
There are 50 peopel in the classroom and no one knows exactly what she wants?
Is it her problem or our problem?
Or others know what she want except me?
Hope the first assignment can successfully pass.
I just want pass, I don't want high score.
Hope the tinnitus can get well as soon as possible.
I can't take the singing in my ears.
Hope everything goes through very well.
Hope my supplement arrives as soon as possible!!!!!!
So many wishes!
Ha!>///// ok, go to bed.
Good night everyone, and Miss Kaya Tsai.

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